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Low-Carb Or Low-Fat? The Answer Is...

Low-Carb Or Low-Fat? The Answer Is...

It's been a dispute for almost as long as fad dieting and nutritional studies have been around: should you cut down on carbs or on fat? It looks like there may finally be an answer.


Low-carb dieting is one of the most persistent dieting trends of the past twenty years. People swear that carbs are the enemy, cutting out their grains and fruits and swearing that they’re cutting fat like crazy.

But now, one study shows that low-fat dieting , the kind that everyone swears is a bad idea now, may be the better fat burner.

Kevin Hall, a lead investigator on this small study of 19 healthy adults, said “There is a popular theory that claims low-carb diets are particularly effective for fat loss because they decrease levels of the hormone insulin, thereby increasing the amount of fat that’s released from fat tissue.

“The results of our study run counter to this theory and suggest there is not a metabolic advantage to a low-carb diet.”

So all of those studies that say low-carb dieting boosts your metabolism are wrong?

Not necessarily.   ##MN_RESP##

It’s important to remember that it’s just one study, and a small one at that.

But the small study showed that those who ate less fat also burned more, especially in comparison to those who were eating low-carb.

And it’s caused quite a stir in the nutrition community.

Most of the stir comes from critics of the study. Jeff Volek, a dietitian and an advocate of low-carb dieting, says, “a major reason people have better results with low-carb diets is because they promote greater satiety and people eat less.” This, of course, encourages weight loss. However, it’s important to note that everyone needs carbs for fuel, so even low-carb advocates say that you should have some healthy carbs in your diet.

So what’s the final verdict?

Well, recent research covering 59 studies of different diets shows that the low-carb diet is still better at pound loss.

However, whichever one fits your lifestyle is going to be the best diet for you.

If you want to eat everything you want, but in moderation, low-fat may be the way to go.

If you don't mind cutting most sugars or refined grains from your diet, low-carb is probably the best. Whatever is realistic for you is what will work the best.

Which of these diets has worked best for you?