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It's True, You Can Eat Sugar AND Lose Weight!

Cutting sugar is one of the biggest pieces of advice that you're given when trying to lose weight. But now, you don't have to! Read more to find out how you can do both!


“Cut your sugar intake to lose weight. Don’t eat sugar. Avoid sugar at all costs if you want to lose weight.”

You’ve heard it all, and it still doesn’t sound like much fun, right?

That’s okay, because losing weight doesn’t mean you have to eliminate sugar completely. Most people say that because the average person doesn’t know how to eat sugar in a healthy way. But that’s all about to change. Here’s how you can eat sugar and still manage to lose weight.

  1. Don’t count sugar, count nutrients. Some fruits, like bananas and berries, pack in more sugar than processed foods. But those fruits also pack in lots more fiber, a lot less saturated and trans fats, and lots more protein. So if you’re looking for a guilt-free sugar, this is really the way to go.
  2. Eat sugar with your other food groups. If you eat a sugary snack alongside something more balanced, such as a protein, fiber, or healthy fat, then you’re less likely to experience that sugar crash. This is because high-sugar foods get absorbed into your blood stream faster than other nutrients, so adding something else will help slow that absorption. That way your sugary treat will last you longer and keep your energy levels stable.
  3. Don’t have sugar with your coffee. As delicious as it is to get that chocolate croissant with your coffee, combining caffeine with sugar just spikes your blood sugar and makes it harder for your body to deal with it.
  4. Have your sugar before and after your workout. This doesn’t mean your pre- and post-workout snacks should be Hershey bars, but if you know a sugar craving will strike you, it’s best to fulfill it before or after a workout. The effects of exercise on your body help reduce sugar’s effect on your blood sugar, and the carbs will help you go harder at your workout.

What sugary treat do you need in your life?