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Can You Believe it? There's Now A Restaurant Just For Hot Sauce Lovers!

Do you ever find yourself thinking: "I wish there was a restaurant that loved hot sauce as much as I do"? There's now one for you!


Remember that news that spicy foods are great for your health and lifespan? There’s now even more good news for spice lovers.

Tabasco, the company that makes the sauce of the same name, has now opened a restaurant dedicated to said sauce. Everything on the menu incorporates some kind of hot sauce.

That’s right: everything. Even the desserts! The menu includes Cajun foods like sausage and jambalaya, as well as desserts like raspberry-chipotle ice cream.

That means you can eat an entire meal where every course has hot sauce! If that sounds like your dream, it may be time to take a trip to Louisiana.

It’s located on Avery Island in Louisiana, where the Tabasco factory is located. The restaurant itself is called 1868, in reference to the year the company was founded.

This also comes with a reboot of the interactive tour of the Tabasco factory, where you can smell the spices used to make the sauce as part of a four-part “seed-to-table” experience. This also includes seeing where the peppers are grown, seeing where they’re aged, and touring a Tabasco-themed museum. ##MN_RESP##

The prices? Pretty reasonable! It’s only $1 to get to the Tabasco factory, tours of the place are free, and the restaurants dishes range from $7-12. Pretty good deal, right?

Then you can drop by the country store and get every single Tabasco flavor your heart desires!

So if you’re a fan of the hot stuff, give it a shot next time you’re in Louisiana!

Would you go to a Tabasco-themed restaurant?

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