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Can Fasting REALLY Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off?

Can Fasting REALLY Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off?

Have you ever wanted to try fasting? Read more to find out if it's worth it for you!


Fad diets are widespread and impossible to avoid. Most of the time, they go away pretty fast, usually when someone famous tries it and it fails.

What about fasting?

When you think of fasting, you probably think of religious fasting, which consists of eating nothing at all for some extended period of time. People will also fast for medical procedures. These are well known, widely accepted forms of fasting.

But for weight loss and heath? ##MN_RESP##

There seem to be endless ways to fast for weight loss and health, with various degrees of frequency and intensity. So how do you know what really works?

Well, it’s hard to know what will work for you. For some people, it’s helpful to restrict eating to a certain number of hours per day, or to fast one day per week, or just to not fast at all.

Here’s one that worked for people in a recent human clinical trial:

Day 1:

  • 1090 calories, made up of
    • 10% protein
    • 56% fat
    • 34% carbs

Days 2-5:

  • 725 calories, made up of
    • 9% protein
    • 44% fat
    • 47% carbs

Participants in the study did this fast once a month for three months. The results? Participants were found to be at lower risk for diabetes, heart disease and cancer, and with a higher chance of fat loss and optimal aging.

Of course, anyone interested in fasting should consult their doctor and/or a nutritionist before deciding to take on this kind of diet, since it’s not for everyone. But if it can work for you, it could make you a healthier, happier, lighter person!

Would you try a fasting diet? If you have, did it work for you?