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Bridesmaid Undergoes Incredible Transformation! Now She

Bridesmaid Undergoes Incredible Transformation! Now She's A Bodybuilding Champion

Sarah Oldham struggled to fit into a size 22 bridesmaid dress at the time to honor her duties. Read on to see what she did about it!


Being a bridesmaid is one of the highest honors and woman can get when it comes to weddings.

But unfortunately, for one woman, this was not the case.

The bridesmaid in question was Sarah Oldham. She struggled to fit into a size 22 bridesmaid dress at the time to honor her duties.

However, when she saw pictures of herself afterwards, she was horrified and ashamed of her size. She felt so bad about her appearance that she decided she was going to lose the weight.

And lose the weight she did. At the time of her sister’s wedding, she weighed 224 pounds.

After body building and dieting, Oldham now weighs 119 pounds. After losing over 100 pounds, she is now a bodybuilding champion who currently holds the Miss Toned Northants 2015 title and is currently representing the United Kingdom in Tenerife later on this year.

Although she initially lost most of the weight by maintaining a diet of chicken, broccoli and rice, it wasn’t until she started working with a personal trainer and going to the gym to convert fat into muscle that she saw the results she wanted.

Now that she has become a bodybuilding champion, she has no plans to stop. She enjoys the boost of confidence it gives her and she loves to compete and win even more.


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