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5 Reasons Your Body Won

5 Reasons Your Body Won't Let You Lose Weight

If you've tried to lose weight tons of times but you just can't, there may be something in the way. Find out what could be wrong, and how to start losing weight for real.


“Speed up your metabolism if you want to lose weight!” says everyone, all the time.

But that’s an empty phrase without actual advice on how to speed it up.

Here’s a list of reasons your metabolism may be slowing, and how to turn it around.

  1. You’re using sea salt in everything. Not only is too much sodium already bad for you, but sea salt doesn’t have iodine, which regulates your thyrioid gland’s functions. Try using plain old Morton’s iodized salt for a while, or fill your diet with more iodine rich foods like seaweed, shrimp, and eggs.
  2. You still haven’t tried HIIT. HIIT increases your post-workout oxygen consumption (because you’re so darn tired out) which means you keep burning calories long after your workout is over.
  3. You’ve gone no-carb. If you’ve cut back on your carbs, good for you! This is one of the best diets for losing weight. But cutting carbs out completely can leave you with no fuel for workouts, or for anything really. Then, you burn fewer calories during your workouts and following them, and your metabolism slows to a halt. Work good carbs, like (plain) oatmeal or brown rice into your meals.   ##MN_RESP##
  4. You speed through your strength training. If you don’t take your time with your lifts, you may be missing out on calorie-burning opportunities. Take your time not just on the lifting, but on the lowering, too. Lowering causes more damage to your muscles (not always a bad thing!) which makes your body put in more effort to repair them. This means you’re burning more calories.
  5. You’re snacking low-calorie. Just because rice cakes have nothing to them doesn’t mean they’re good for your metabolism. Nuts are high in calories but also high in nutritional benefits, like polyunsaturated fatty acids which help you speed up your metabolism and burn calories. Not only that, but you don't need that many nuts to feel full. Try 1 small handful of nuts per day.

What's your biggest problem when it comes to losing weight? Is it one of these, or something different? Let us know!