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4 Things You Should NEVER Do Before You Leave The House

4 Things You Should NEVER Do Before You Leave The House

What's your morning routine? No matter what it is, there's probably at least one part of it that is slowing you down. Read these tips and optimize your morning!


If you’re trying to get your day going as soon as possible, there are a lot of mistakes that it’s easy to make.

These are some of the most common ones, which you can avoid easily as long as you’re aware of them.

  1. Carbing up for breakfast. Though breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it’s important not to waste all of your carbs on it. Empty carbs in the morning just means that you’ll be hungry and scarfing down a giant snack two hours before your lunch break. Try a protein-heavy breakfast instead to kickstart your morning energy.
  2. Taking a warm shower. It can feel nice in the morning to relax your muscles under some warm water. But that muscle relaxing does make you drift back to sleep, which isn’t what you want. If you really want to wake up and you think you can take it, take a cold shower. It’ll wake oyu up and it’ll give your body a rush of endorphins, which may actually put you in a better mood.   ##MN_RESP##
  3. Dialing into work before you even go to the office. We’re looking at you, people who check their work e-mail right when they wake up. This makes you stressed out earlier than you need to be, and makes you more prone to mistakes if you’re falling asleep in the middle of your response.
  4. Brushing your teeth right after breakfast. This is something that probably sounds counterintuitive, but it’s actually better to brush your teeth before you eat, not after. Brushing your teeth after breakfast can push your acidic and sugary breakfast foods into the surface of your teeth even further. If you must brush after breakfast, give yourself at least half an hour to do so.

Follow those tips, and you’ll start your day healthier and happier.

Do you make any of these mistakes?