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Stop The Frustration Of A Weight-Loss Plateau! Here

Stop The Frustration Of A Weight-Loss Plateau! Here's How...

Anyone who has tried to lose weight has reached a point where it seems like they have lost all they can. No matter what you do, the scales doesn’t move and you aren’t losing inches. What’s going on is that you have reached a weight-loss plateau. Read on for more!


Anyone who has tried to lose weight has reached a point where it seems like they have lost all they can. You’ve probably been there.

No matter what you do, the scales doesn’t move and you aren’t losing inches. What’s going on is that you have reached a weight-loss plateau.

It is when your body levels out and adapts to what you have been doing, so it no longer is allowing your to lose weight.

When you hit a plateau, the first thing you need to do is make sure you really have hit a plateau.

Make sure that you haven’t made any changes lately, like eating the wrong foods or cutting back on exercising. It can help to keep a log of what you are eating and of your exercise habits so you can see you are on track.

If you really are in a plateau, then consider varying up your exercise.

Your body gets used to the same exercises every day and will eventually need to use fewer calories to get through them.

You also need to make sure you haven’t been down on yourself and thinking negative thoughts.

If you have, start thinking positive. A negative mental outlook really can push you into a plateau.

Anyone can beat a plateau. You just have to be sure you are still the right track and thinking positively.

Varying your exercise routine doesn’t hurt either. Don’t look at a plateau as a problem; look at it as a challenge that you will overcome.

Video Credit: Tracy Campoli via YouTube