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Discover How Your Body Will Feel In Your 70s With This Instant-Aging Suit

Discover How Your Body Will Feel In Your 70s With This Instant-Aging Suit

The instant-aging suit shows you how your body will feel in your 70s. Check it out!


People are living longer than ever before, but although modern medicine has enabled us to treat many of the diseases that once brought on earlier deaths, we have not yet learned how to stave off the physical decline associated with old age.

Because of this, many people will live to their eighties, nineties, and even one hundredth year, but may spend their final decades suffering from cataracts, hearing loss and physically debilitating bone and muscle loss.

A company called Genworth has created an exoskeleton designed to simulate the physical symptoms of old age.

The instant-aging suit shows you how your body will feel in your 70s.

The video shows a young man interviewing representatives of the company and testing the suit.

The heavy pack and tight exoskeletal joints show him what he will feel like carrying around an extra 40 pounds, the average that most people will gain over their adult lifetime.

The suit bends his posture and slows his movements.

A specially designed headset disturbs his eyesight, blurring his peripheral vision.

His hearing is distorted as well.

A Genworth representative explains that the suite has many potential purposes. Wearers can gain an appreciation for what it feels like to be old, and may be more compassionate towards the elderly.

They also hope to use the same technology to create suits that will improve movement, vision and hearing for the elderly.

Video Credit: The Atlantic via YouTube


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