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This Woman Lost 40 Pounds In 4 Months, And You Can Too!

This Woman Lost 40 Pounds In 4 Months, And You Can Too!

This woman started from the ground up in order to lose weight, and her story is inspiring. Read more to learn her tips on how to lose weight effectively.


After a lifetime of living the definition of a sedentary lifestyle, Brittany Wolfe went from 263 pounds to 222 pounds in a matter of four months! Recently, Women’s Health Magazine interviewed her, and she told them all about her secret tips to getting on the road to fitness, even when it seems daunting.

Brittany grew up with an unhealthy relationship to her body. An emotional eater, a couch potato, and a smoker, she continued unhealthy habits into adulthood. She avoided fruits and veggies like the plague and never exercised.

For her, this all changed after meeting a friend whose life was completely transformed by physical fitness. She finally realized that fitness didn’t have to be about how other people perceive you, that above everything else it should really be about doing what’s best for yourself.

After getting a gym membership, she quit smoking cold turkey, started doing meal prep instead of eating processed food, and filled her diet with fruits, veggies, and protein. She worked up slowly from short amounts of cardio to an hour of endurance training and forty minutes of strength training for each. And now, she’s lost forty pounds.

That’s right, no special diet, no CrossFit, nothing but a healthy diet and steady, consistent exercise.

What’s the takeaway? Brittany wants people to know that even though she has a while to go before reaching her 180 pound goal, the changes she’s made in her diet and exercise habits have made her feel better than she’s ever felt. She wants people to know that those who want to lose weight shouldn’t fear failure, and that putting in the work and having patience to improve yourself really does pay off. Anyone can improve their lifestyle with enough perseverance and drive. ##MN_RESP##

This story is so inspiring, since she's just a normal person, not some kind of health nut. And best of all, she's still on her journey. Like all of us, she faces frustration, but all it takes to get through it is just to get through it. Great job, Brittany, we can all learn a lot from you.

What inspires you to lose weight?

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