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This Simple Change To Your MORNING Routine Can Make You Happier AND Healthier

This Simple Change To Your MORNING Routine Can Make You Happier AND Healthier

With all the incredible benefits a morning shower has to offer, it's amazing that more of us don't take them every day. Keep reading to learn more!


We’d do just about anything to find that one special “cure-all” that has the power to make us feel happier and more energized, while also boosting our metabolism.

So, why don’t more of us take morning showers on a regular basis?

With all the incredible benefits that a quick A.M. shower has do offer, it’s amazing that so many of us aren’t taking them.

Still thinking of sticking to your nighttime showers? Here are just a few reasons why you might want to reconsider:

  1. They make you feel more attractive: In a survey performed by Herbal Essences, more than two-thirds of the female participants said they felt a lot more relaxed right after a morning shower, while over half said they actually felt prettier and more attractive.
  2. They might help you lose weight: Cold showers never sound very appealing, but what if we told you that taking one could actually help you shed a few pounds? Well, according to a recent Scandinavian study, it can! The researchers found that bodies exposed to cold temperatures increase the metabolic rate of brown fat, which can help you lose up to 9 pounds each year!
  3. They will help you wake up: While showering in general will make you feel more refreshed, a cold shower will really do the trick when you need a pick-me-up! Think about it, what will get you moving faster: freezing water or a cup of coffee? ##MN_RESP##
  4. They will make your skin glow: If you’re prone to oily skin, nothing will help keep a greasy forehead at bay faster than a morning shower. You’re basically revitalizing your skin before you even leave the house!
  5. They can make you feel happier: According to researchers at the Department of Radiation Oncology at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, a freezing cold shower stimulates the brain’s blue spot, which can help ease the symptoms of depression.

What do you think of this? Let us know in the comments!

Photo Copyright ©2006 O.G./Flickr