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This Man Drank 10 Cokes A Day For A Whole Month. You Won

This Man Drank 10 Cokes A Day For A Whole Month. You Won't BELIEVE What Happens!

Ever want to know the toll that sugary sodas are taking on your health? This man made an effort to find out, and the results are horrifying.


If you’re missing Supersize Me-type documentaries, you may be interested to see how this man was affected by his crazy plan to drink ten Cokes a day.

It’s as simple as it sounds. George Prior, a healthy man in his fifties, performed this experiment, and what do you think happened?

He gained TWENTY-THREE POUNDS in one month, from this change alone. His blood sugar went down, his body fat went up by SIX PERCENT, and his blood sugar went up by FOUR POINTS.

Why did he undertake this experiment? It’s best to let him explain it himself, but he says that it’s to bring to attention the enormous danger that sugar poses to Americans, especially in the fight against obesity.

His YouTube channel documents his entire journey, from the thirty-day Coke challenge, to his recovery, to his SECOND challenge: adding Diet Coke to his diet.

If you’re wondering, his favorite drink? Buttered coffee.

What do you think of this man's experiment? Crazy, or genius?

Photo Copyright © 2014 10 Cokes A Day/YouTube