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The ONE Reason You

The ONE Reason You're Not Losing Weight In Your Hips And Thighs

Have you been fighting with the fat in your hips and thighs for months, but you can't seem to get anywhere? Read more to find out why.


You’re not imagining it. It’s really, really hard to lose weight in your hips and thighs, especially if you’re someone who gains weight there. Why is this such a frustrating problem? It’s not like you’re not trying, right?

Of course you are. It’s not your fault, your body’s just in homeostasis.

What does that mean? Well, all it means is that your body doesn’t want to lose that weight because it’s pretty comfy with it. The weight in your hips in thighs is especially something that your body doesn’t want to let go of. Your body doesn’t want to lose weight, especially not weight that helps you provide yourself with calories for breastfeeding and possible famine during pregnancy (If you’re female, that is. Cool, right?) ##MN_RESP##

The bad news is that that weight is going to be stubborn no matter what. You need at least some of it. But as you strength train and exercise, your muscle that builds under it will help the fat look much leaner. Even better, gaining muscle in those areas can help you lose inches, if not weight.

So try not to worry too much about your hips and thighs. Slimming down doesn’t always mean losing weight. You can look slim and be healthy and still retain some of the weight your body needs. After all, that’s what strength training is for!

Where are your weight loss trouble areas?