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The Last Living People Born In The 19th Century Reveal The Secret To A Long Life

The Last Living People Born In The 19th Century Reveal The Secret To A Long Life

What’s The Secret to Long Life? Read on to find out!


Just a few days ago, Susannah Mushatt Jones celebrated a kind of a sweet sixteen birthday, her one hundred sixteenth birthday. Imagine being born not just in the last century, but the century before.

According to Guinness World Records, Ms. Jones is the oldest living person in the world. She resides in a Brooklyn senior center, but her home state is Alabama. Both Brooklyn and Alabama gave proclamations to Ms. Jones in honor or her 116th birthday.

A European Supercentenarian

Across the ocean, in Verbania, Italy, Emma Morano is the oldest living person in Europe. She was born when Italy was a monarchy and has seen over 70 different governments, including a brief foray into Fascism. Although she has a hard time remembering many events of the past, she is very much aware of the privilege of living this long.

Nothing more than their age brings these two women together. They’ve both witnessed things that most people just remember from history books, such as the Roaring Twenties, World War I, and the Great Depression. It’s hard to imagine these women were just teenagers when Europe went to war in 1914, and they both survived not just one major world war, but two. These two women have witnessed technological and health advances that were hardly even dreams when they were born.

What’s The Secret to Long Life?

To reach the record of 122 years, 164 days of Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997, both women have a few more years to go, but it’s highly likely that they could surpass Ms. Calment’s days on earth. Ms. Morano attributes her longevity to eating three raw eggs each day, although she is currently down to two per day. She has been single most of her life, and her niece takes care of her. Part of her secret may be living quietly in a beautiful community with friends and good care.

Ms. Jones celebrated her birthday with her favorite meal, fried chicken, and her family around her, including the youngest member of the clan, her great-great niece who isn’t quite two years old. Her family states that her secret to longevity is an extensive family and living right. Ms. Jones attributes it to eating bacon. Experts don’t agree on why some people live so many years, but family heritage may also play a part.

Take a lesson from these two beautiful women who have seen more than anyone could ever dream. Enjoy your family and friends. Eat well. Don’t say a lot at your birthday party, but make it a celebration. Take a nap when it’s over.