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People With THIS Eye Color Are More Likely To Be Alcoholics

People With THIS Eye Color Are More Likely To Be Alcoholics

Whether you only enjoy a glass of champagne at New Years or you go out for happy hour after work on the regular, your eye color may affect how much you feel like you need the stuff. Read more to find out if your eye color makes alcohol more dangerous.


Your eye color can say a lot about you. Scientists have found that eye color can affect your personality, your sun sensitivity, and your pain tolerance, to name a few. But new studies from the University of Vermont have found something more sinister: your eye color may make you more likely to be an alcoholic.

This study showed that among the most common eye colors, blue-eyed people experience alcohol dependency more frequently than those with other eye colors. Those with light colored eyes (green, gray) were also associated with higher incidence. On the other end, alcohol dependency occurs less frequently in those with dark brown eyes.

This study was performed on around 1,200 people, all of whom had at least one psychiatric illness, and all of whom were of European descent. Many of them may even have had one or more psychiatric disorders. But the connection was clear.

This finding is not just a coincidence, either. The study found that blue-eyed people were also more to likely to have two genes that are specifically associated with alcohol dependency.

While this study shows a very strong correlation between these two factors, it’s important to note that this study is by no means definitive.
"These are complex disorders," said Dawei Li, head researcher in the study. "There are many genes, and there are many environmental triggers." Li is hopeful, though, that this discovery can be helpful in the diagnosis of alcohol dependence in the future.

But in the meantime, this information can be used with caution. No matter what your eye color, alcohol should be consumed responsibly and in moderation. But for those with lighter eye colors, it may be useful to keep an extra-careful eye on how often you're going out for a few drinks. Ultimately, you’re in control of your health.

What do you think of this new study? Are you thinking about cutting back on your alcohol consumption?

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