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Panic Attacks And Anxiety Are Linked To A Lack Of These Two Things...

Panic Attacks And Anxiety Are Linked To A Lack Of These Two Things...

Do you want to know what's behind your panic attacks? Find out here!


No one wants to experience panic attacks and anxiety. Both are unpleasant and take up way too much of your time. But do you know what causes them?

Panic attacks are different for everyone, but most of them feel something like this: suddenly you can’t do anything but try to breathe, and you don’t know why or how to stop it. You can’t breathe, your heart beats, you have to sit down. Sometimes you’re in a public place and it’s embarrassing.

And anxiety is like a smaller version of that. You’re always worried, even though you know you don’t have to be.

And of course, all you want to do is make it stop.

The good news is, it could be one of these two things.

  1. You’re not getting enough sleep. You stay up late into the night stressing out about everything that’s happening, or maybe you’re just a person who works really late. Even if all of that work is what you’re stressing about, the lack of sleep is just making your body more and more susceptible to anxiety and panic attacks.
  2. You’re not getting enough exercise. People who don’t have an outlet for their stress, such as a sport or a workout plan, are much more likely to experience an anxiety or panic attack. Exercise helps your body release endorphins that can help you relax and feel happier, and keep your heart and lungs from freaking out on you.

Panic attacks and anxiety are totally treatable, and trying to get more sleep and more exercise could be the thing that evens you out. If you don’t feel like this is the case, talk to your doctor.

What causes you to feel anxious?