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Kick That Soda Habit FOR GOOD! All You Need Is...

Kick That Soda Habit FOR GOOD! All You Need Is...

Diet Coke is truly the nectar of the gods, but sadly, we're only human. Here are some ways that you can stop craving carbonation and learn to love your water.


No matter what Coca-Cola tries to make us believe, we know that the "diet" in Diet Coke means nothing. No matter what soda you drink, it’s all ultimately bad for you. Not only are you consuming excessive amounts of empty calories, but you’re putting yourself at risk for tooth and bone decay and diabetes.

For women, soda consumption is even linked to depression. But it’s easier to kick this habit than you think! Here are some tips that can have you off that soda kick in no time.

Give it up gradually. If you know you’re not capable of giving it up cold turkey, then don’t. This is a common mistake, no matter what habit you’re trying to kick. But unless you have the willpower of a god, trying to go from six sodas one day to zero the next day is setting yourself up for failure. Instead, try one or two a day, then two or three a week, then one every two weeks, until you don’t feel like you need it anymore. It’s not as sudden of a transition, and it will help you slowly get used to being without it.

Count your calories. Chances are, you’ve lost track of how much soda you’re really drinking. Maybe there’s only 70-80 calories in that can of Diet Coke, but think about how many of those you drink a day, and it’ll start to really add up. Whether it’s diet or regular cola, you’re consuming crazy amounts of sugar or sweetener, and just thinking about that is enough to curb some people’s appetite for the stuff.

Sip soda substitutes. If you drink a glass of water, or flavored seltzer, that could satisfy your thirst before you know it. Bring your own bottled beverage with you so you don’t have to buy a beverage for every meal. If it’s caffeine you crave, switch to drip coffee or unsweetened tea. Almost every substitute is better than soda.

Treat it like a treat. If soda was something that you once loved, it’s fine to have it sparingly, just as you would any other junk food. Treat it as a cheat day food or a food to have for a special dinner. Once it’s not something you need, you’ll be able to be smarter about when you do drink it.

How strong of a hold does soda have on you? What are some ways you’ve tried to kick the habit?

Photo Copyright © 2009 Marcin Wichary/Flickr