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How To Defeat Belly Bloat FAST

How To Defeat Belly Bloat FAST

Do you ALWAYS feel bloated but you don't know why? Read more to figure out how you can fix it!


Do you find yourself in a constant state of bloating, even when you’re not anywhere near your time of the month? You’ve know you’ve lost weight, and that your flat belly is…somewhere under there. It’s just bloating, and should you be armed and ready to stop it.

  • Steer clear of sodium. Sodium’s not just bad for your heart, but it’s bad for your bloating. You’ll only retain more water weight if you eat high-sodium foods. Stay away from processed meats and potato chips.
  • Eat more fiber. Fiber gets your food moving through your digestive system and prevents it from stopping in your intestines. Slowly eat more fiber, such as berries, whole grains, and beans, and you’ll slowly stop the bloating.
  • “Beer gut” is real. Unfortunately, us ladies can get beer belly, too, and of course we get it easier. So try not to have more than one drink per night, and drink lots of water to go along with it. ##MN_RESP##
  • Don’t eat so fast. You know how you get the hiccups because you swallow too much air when you’re eating? That can cause bloat, too. Just take your time eating.
  • Try cutting dairy. Even mild lactose intolerance can cause bloat, so cut out your dairy and see if that may be the cause. If not, it may be foods like broccoli, pears, and onions, which are known for making you gassy.
  • Drink water. Sure, you feel like you’re retaining water, but the only thing that will help is more water. In fact, you’re probably dehydrated, and your body is doing its best to retain the water it has.

Do you get easily bloated? What do you do about it?