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Hate Those Healthy Superfoods? Try These Instead!

Hate Those Healthy Superfoods? Try These Instead!

If you can't stand kale, don't worry! Read more to find out your solution!


Are you tired of hearing about kale, blueberries, yogurt, avocado, over and over and over again?

These foods are popular for a reason. They’re tasty, trendy, and easy ways to get certain nutrients. But if you hate how some of these taste or you just want to go against the grain, it may be time to try out some new or forgotten health foods.

  1. Can’t eat salmon? Try flaxseeds. If you’re a vegetarian, vegan or you just don’t like the taste of salmon, flaxseed should be your go-to source of omega-3 fatty acids. They’re also a great source of fiber, so you can be full for longer.
  2. Don’t like avocado? Try tahini. It’s made from sesame seeds, so it’s packed with the same heart-healthy fats as avocado. It’s also a great source of calcium and magnesium.
  3. Tired of chicken? Try turkey. They’re both low in fat and high in protein, and go great on their own or in sandwiches or salads. ##MN_RESP##
  4. Can’t stand almonds? Try nut butter. Almonds are great, but sometimes you’ve really had enough cracking through those tough nuts. Try getting your almonds in butter form. Whether it’s almond butter, cashew butter, or sunflower seed butter, nut butters are a great way to get your protein without the overwhelming crunch.
  5. Sick of kale? Try cauliflower. Kale and cauliflower are in the same vegetable family, and they both have the same nutrients. Try sautéing or roasting instead of boiling, since boiling could get rid of some of the nutrients.

What do you think of these superfood substitutes? Let us know!