As you get older, you’re more likely to find yourself snoring on a regular basis.
Snoring increases as you get older because your throat narrows. Men are also much more likely to be snorers, since they have narrower air passages than women.
And of course, there’s always being overweight, having sinus problems, and drinking to throw into the mix. Even the way you sleep can make you more prone to snoring.
So how can you stop it?
- Diet and exercise. If you’re overweight or even just out of shape, it could be that your muscles and fatty tissue need a little toning. Diet and exercise can help reduce fatty tissue and build muscle in the back of your throat to help you stop snoring.
- Avoid muscle relaxants (alcohol, sleeping pills, sedatives). These relax your throat muscles and interfere with your breathing.
- Develop a sleeping routine. If you sleep for the same amount of time regularly, you’ll sleep better.
- Sleep on your side. Sleeping on your back makes you more prone to your tongue and soft tissues to get in the way of your airways.
- Keep the air in your bedroom moist. Dry air can irritate your air passages.
- Elevate your head. This way, your tongue won’t fall backwards and block your airways.
Of course, it’s possible that your snoring comes from a deeper, more dangerous problem. ##MN_RESP##
If you’re snoring is very loud and you find yourself tired during the day, you find yourself choking during sleep, or you fall asleep at inappropriate times during the day, you should go see a doctor to find out of you have sleep apnea, or another sleeping condition.
Do you snore? How do you handle it?
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