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Do You Sit All Day? Try THESE Pilates Exercises!

Do You Sit All Day? Try THESE Pilates Exercises!


Many people spend their whole working day sitting down at a desk hunched over a computer keyboard. This posture is very unnatural for the body. It wasn’t made to be sitting all day. Our bodies were made to move. So, this sedentary lifestyle leads our body to rebel. How does it do this? Through causing you pain.

If you spend most of your day sitting, you likely have experienced pain in your back and hips. Your back doesn’t like being put in the same unnatural position day after day. Your hips ache due to stress and tension that is put on them from sitting and the strain from having your knees bent when you sit. While you probably can’t change the fact that you have to sit to do your job and you won’t likely quit your job and find one where you don’t have to sit all the time, there is something you can do.

Stretching daily through Pilates exercises can do amazing things for your body and help relieve aches and pains. Pilates moves help to stretch out muscles and release stress in both your muscles and joints. By doing these exercises every day in the evening, you will be helping to counteract the torture your body is put through by having to sit all day.

So, if you have back pain or pain in your hip area from sitting too much, consider trying out some Pilates. Your body will be very happy, which means less pain for you. So get up and get moving right now.