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BREAKING: Scientists Now Say Soda Can EVEN Be Bad For...

BREAKING: Scientists Now Say Soda Can EVEN Be Bad For...

We already know that drinking soda is basically like mainlining sugar, and that it contributes to type 2 diabetes in overweight and obese persons. But did you know it can affect another group of people entirely? Read more to find out the results of the newest study!


You know those people. You may even be one of them. They’re those people who eat whatever they want, but they’re still in great shape and they never gain a pound.

Good for them, right? Not everyone can have naturally high metabolism, but they’re blessed, and they'll probably never experience any health problems.

Well, this isn’t necessarily true. A new study done in the UK found that even slimmer people are put at higher risk for diabetes when they drink sugary sodas.

Several studies have already been done that show that a lifestyle rich in sugar and lacking in good food and exercise will lead to diabetes. Most of these studies, though, were done on people whose sedentary lifestyles made them overweight.

This study analyzed studies that focused on people of all weights, and tried to see if sugary drinks could increase diabetes risk regardless of weight. And the connection, it seems, was there.

Regardless of weight, the study showed that sugary drinks were still associated with an increased risk of diabetes. Even someone who’s thin can still poison their body with sugar over the long run.

Of course, this study doesn’t prove it completely. But regardless of your build, putting excess sugar into your body is bad for you. Would cutting out sugary drinks mean a definite decrease in your diabetes risk? It’s hard to say, but cutting out any food with added sugars is a better choice for you in the long run.

How much soda do you drink every day? Tell us below!