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6 Ways To Eat Healthy At ANY Restaurant

6 Ways To Eat Healthy At ANY Restaurant

Being on a diet and going out to eat is an endless battle. Here are some ways to make that battle a little easier.


If you’re on some kind of diet or meal plan, whether it’s just eating a high-protein, low carb diet or it’s sticking to some kind of elimination diet, you know that one of the biggest struggles can be going out to eat. How do you go out with friends or family and stick to something that resembles healthy eating? Here are some tips on how to avoid those extra hundreds (yikes!) of calories.

  1. Pick the proteins. If there’s a high-protein option wherever you are, such as an egg-heavy dish at a breakfast restaurant full of pancakes. The key is to always stick to lean protein and fruits or veggies, and to minimizes the refined carbs and starches as much as possible. This will keep you full and satisfied for longer.
  2. Skip creamy sauces, or skip the sauce all together. If you have a salad option that has a choice between creamy ranch and balsamic vinaigrette, pick the vinaigrette. If your sandwich comes loaded with mayonnaise, ask them to go light on it. This will save you literally hundreds of calories, since often those creamy sauces are the source of most of the empty calories.
  3. Make sure you have some veggies. If you already get veggies or a side salad with your meal, eat those first. It seems like no fun, but it’ll fill you up and slow you down. Then you can enjoy your main meal and not feel pressured to finish it all. ##MN_RESP##
  4. Order unsweetened. Pre-sweetened iced teas and coffees can often use syrups that add 20-30 grams of sugar per serving. Tastes great, of course, but it’s way too much. If you order unsweetened tea or coffee to taste, you can add your own sugar. One or two sugars usually sweetens it plenty.
  5. Split your meal. If you’re out at a place that you know has enormous portions, ask to split with someone. It’s usually plenty of food for two people. If you know it has enormous portions and you and your dinner partner don’t have the same taste in food, tell them to box up half of it before they bring it out.
  6. Develop a taste for hard alcohol. Well, the ideal situation would be not to drink at all. But if you’re going out with friends, avoid the fruity cocktails and stick to two-ingredient cocktails, like a gin and tonic or a scotch and soda. Skipping the fruit juice and sticking to tonic water or soda will save you tons of calories. But make sure you stick to one or two!

Cutting back on calories shouldn’t mean that you have to cut back on everything. You can still go out and enjoy yourself, but it’s good to be armed with the ability to make smart choices.

How do you cut calories when you’re trying to lose weight?

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