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6 Foods To Help You Fight Inflammation

6 Foods To Help You Fight Inflammation

If you're really feeling those aches and pains, it may be time to see if you're eating the right foods to fight it off. Read more to learn which foods can get you feeling good again.


When we talk about “inflammation,” you probably think of a bug bite you’ve scratched too much, or a headache, or an overused muscle. These are good things to think about, but you can also think of depression, bad moods, and low energy levels. All of these can count as inflammation, and all of them can be staved off, at least a little bit, by getting the right foods in your diet.

Here are some health expert-recommended foods for fighting off that inflammation.

  1. Cherries contain twice as many inflammation-fighting compounds (anthocyanins 1 and 2) as their other fruity siblings. Not only that, but eating them before bed is a great sleep aid.
  2. Kale contains lots of sulfur, which is why a lot of people don’t love the taste, but that means that it helps your liver detox. It assists with the production of phase II enzymes, which are great for flushing out toxins in your body. Sorry kale haters, you can add “detoxifying” to the endless list of kale benefits.
  3. Cherry tomatoes are a great way to maximize the tomato’s many benefits. Tomato skin contains tons of lycopene, which fights off depression-causing inflammatory compounds. You want cherry tomatoes so you’re eating more of the skin, and you want to roast them because that way you’ll be receiving as much lycopene as possible.
  4. Salmon has, as you know, tons of omega-3 fatty acids, which protect against depression, and help to ease some inflammation throughout the body. ##MN_RESP##
  5. Soy is one of the best foods for reducing C-reactive proteins, which are huge markers of inflammation. This is great, since these proteins are linked to coronary artery disease, and soy is a great meat replacement.
  6. Sweet potatoes and other orange foods are great for reducing inflammation, since alpha- and beta-carotene are natural anti-inflammatories. Any orange food will do for this, but sweet potatoes pack these anti-inflammatory nutrients with other awesome benefits for a real one-two punch.

The great thing about these foods is that they’re all delicious additions to any meal. So you can eat something yummy while fighting off the bad stuff!

What's your favorite way to enjoy these anti-inflammatory foods?

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