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5 Foods To Help You STOP Overeating

5 Foods To Help You STOP Overeating

You shouldn't be expected to combat overeating on your own. Here are some foods that could help.


If you think you can battle your overeating problem with sheer willpower, you’ve got another thing coming. The good news, or maybe the bad news, is that you can’t really stop your temptation to overeat—it’s in your hormones.

So how do you combat it? By keeping around food that you can snack on, but that you can fight cravings with in the process.

  1. Cappuccino with skim milk. Good news for espresso lovers—foamy foods can help fill up your tummy with air, making you feel fuller. And with skim milk, you can cut out most of the calorie load, too. Popcorn serves a similar purpose, if you don’t want to have that much caffeine after lunch.
  2. Greek yogurt. This food is especially good if you’re a nervous eater. It has way more calcium than milk or regular yogurt, so you’re going to get an extra shot of feel-good chemicals that calcium releases in your brain. This filling food fixes both your need to overeat and your nervousness that’s making it worse.
  3. Hummus. Any kind of bean will keep you full for hours, but hummus has the double advantage of being full of protein AND being a great dip for fibrous vegetables like carrots and celery.
  4. Green tea. This stuff will not only attack your belly fat cells, but it’ll fill you up, too. This is great, since research shows that the more belly fat you have, the harder it is to control your cravings.
  5. Bananas.These fruits can attack that gut bacteria that’s responsible for unlocking your serotonin. It’s also a carb that resists digestion, meaning that it takes much longer to digest than most other carbs. This means, you guessed it, you’ll be fuller for longer.

What do you do to keep yourself from overeating?