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4 Signs Your Workout Is Due For A Makeover

4 Signs Your Workout Is Due For A Makeover

How effective is your workout? Read more to find out if it could be time for you to try something new.


Have you been feeling like your workout is going nowhere and you can’t figure out why? Do you feel like there’s something missing from your run? Here are some signs that your workout routine may need an upgrade.

  1. It’s getting easier and easier. If you’re finding that this is the case, you’ve probably been doing one routine for too long, and your muscles are getting used to it. As a result, they’re not putting in as much effort, and you’re not improving. If you want to keep doing the same thing but you know it’s too easy, try switching up the speed or intensity. If it’s still too easy, it may be time to switch up workouts completely.
  2. You’re improving—but only in one place. If you run religiously, you may have awesome endurance and strong leg muscles, but you’re probably missing out on your core and upper body. Be sure to work in some strength training—even bodyweight training will do the trick—as well as flexibility to make sure you’re paying attention to your whole body.
  3. You’re always tired after your workout. If your daily run makes you feel sore and fatigued without any sort of energy boost, you may be working your body too hard. Overtraining makes you more prone to injury and exhaustion. If you’ve been overtraining, force yourself to take a few days off until you feel recharged. Then, take a look at why you were overtraining, and create a workout plan that’s effective, not draining.
  4. You’re bored. Working out shouldn’t be something you dread. It shouldn’t even have to be something you feel obligated to do. If you’ve had the same routine for so long that you’re bored before you’ve even started, it may be time to add some variety. Change the location of your workout, make a new workout playlist, or try a new workout entirely. Trying a spin class or a new machine may be the kick your body needs to start loving fitness again.

What do you do when your workout is in a rut?