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The Littlest Double-Hand Transplant Patient Is Stronger And Braver Than All Of Us! His Story Will Inspire You!

The Littlest Double-Hand Transplant Patient Is Stronger And Braver Than All Of Us! His Story Will Inspire You!

This 8-year old recently became the youngest recipient of a double-hand transplant. Watch the video to see the amazing results.


Modern medicine has done some incredible things over the past few years, and this story may just be the most inspiring one anyone has seen in years.

Zion Harvey, an 8-year old who needed both his hands and feet amputated, recently became the youngest person to receive a double hand transplant. He was given hands that will grow with him as he gets older.

The surgery took a team of forty people, and the physical therapy Zion has to go through is trying and painful. But this kid handles it better than any adult.

“When I get these hands, I will be proud of what hands I get,” he said before his surgery. He says the thing he’s most excited to do when his bandages come off is to pick up his little sister and spin her around.

This surgery means so much for the medical world, too, since they can study Zion’s hand transplants to see how the procedure works out in the long run for such a young patient. And, it means these surgeries can become more possible for the people who need them.

Watch Zion talk about his surgery in the video below. He’s truly inspiring!

What do you think of this young boy's story?

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