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THIS Is How Powerful Self-Talk REALLY Is! INCREDIBLE!

THIS Is How Powerful Self-Talk REALLY Is! INCREDIBLE!

A healthy-living blogger, best known for her fitness and clean eating tips after having two children, is inspiring fellow ladies to own their flaws and focus more on what they love about themselves. Read on for more!


A healthy-living blogger, best known for her fitness and clean eating tips after having two children, is inspiring fellow ladies to own their flaws and focus more on what they love about themselves.

The #ownit campaign became viral after Natalie Hodson, a mom who centers her personal blog on post-baby workouts and healthy eating, released a special video revealing her insecurities.

In the video, Hodson explains that she receives tons of messages from her fans and followers regarding their deep-rooted insecurities.

After having two 10-pound babies, Hodson can relate to feeling uncomfortable in her own skin, even though she eats as healthy as possible and exercises several times a week.

Although she lost her baby weight, she soon realized that all the sit-ups in the world won’t change the extra skin on her belly. Still, she tried her best to get rid of it for a long time.

Each time she looked in the mirror, Hodson said she would stare at the extra skin on her stomach—bending and stretching it every way and putting herself down.

Instead of focusing on what she had accomplished or giving herself a little credit for housing two huge babies in her stomach, the mother-of-two couldn’t get over that extra skin.

Eventually, the constant ridicule of her own body made her realize that she was the only person who could change the way she viewed herself.

Once day, Hodson said she looked in the mirror and finally told herself that the stretched skin wasn’t going anywhere—unless she opted for drastic plastic surgery—so she might as well own it.

“Own it” became words she told herself every time she looked in the mirror and felt disappointed by what she saw staring back at her.

Those two words helped her find the inner confidence she needed to see beyond the one spot on her body she felt insecure about.

Instead of focusing what you can’t change, she suggests to her audience, think about what is in your control.

For Hodson, that meant eating healthy and appreciating what all her intense workouts do for her legs and arms—and allowing herself the compliments she’s earned.

With just one powerful video, this inspirational mom’s words became a viral campaign, one that she would gladly do again.

Video Credit: Natalie Hodson via YouTube.com

Do you think this campaign could help give you more inner confidence? Let us know in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2014 www.nataliehodson.com