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7 Health Benefits Of Lemon Water You Didn

7 Health Benefits Of Lemon Water You Didn't Know About

There are so many health benefits linked to lemon water! Read on to discover 7 incredible ways lemon water can improve your overall health!


What Lemon Water Can Do For You

Lemon water might seem like something you’d expect to see more in restaurants—a dressed-up drink with a little bit of extra flavor and aesthetic appeal. However there are many real health benefits to be had from drinking lemon water, from upping your energy in the morning to enhancing your immune system when you feel a cold coming on. Not convinced yet? Just consider some of these health benefits of lemon water and decide for yourself.

1. Cerebral Citrus Power

A glass of room temperature or warm water enhanced with the juice of a lemon is a great source of potassium, which is good for heart health as well as brain function. If you weigh less than 150 pounds, you only need about half a lemon’s worth of juice; if you’re over 150, go ahead and use the whole lemon to receive the full benefit.

2. Silky Smooth Skin

High in vitamin C, the juice from lemons is said to contribute to boosting natural collagen production. Collagen helps to promote firm, supple skin, retaining elasticity to ward off wrinkles.

3. Lemon-Powered Liver Function

The citric acid found in lemon juice is beneficial in numerous ways and recent studies have shown evidence which suggests that it’s good for liver health as well. Your liver is part of your body’s natural filtration system and lemon juice is said to assist with the removal of toxins in order to promote better overall health and reduced risk of infection.


4. Inhibiting Illness

Feeling the effects of a cold? You know the signs—cough, sore throat, fatigue. When you start to feel worn down, let one of the primary health benefits of lemon water pick you up: a healthy dose of vitamin C.

5. Bye-Bye to Bad Breath

There’s a reason so many cleaners and disinfecting solutions utilize the potent power of lemons. Their juice features low pH and capable antibacterial properties which are good for helping to rid your mouth of odor-causing bacteria for a refreshing, healthy feel.

6. Dynamic Digestion Power

Lemon water aids digestion in several ways. It serves to help loosen toxins within the digestive tract while providing relief from common indigestion symptoms including bloating and heartburn.

7. Energy Enhancement

Providing you with much-needed hydration as well as a jolt of vitamin C, warm lemon water can provide a natural energy lift in the morning. Its role in improving digestion can help you feel lighter and more energetic throughout the day. Consider it as an alternative to your morning coffee for a refreshing change of pace.

The many health benefits of lemon water make for an affordable and low-calorie way to feel better without drugs or supplements. With minimal preparation, you can boost your energy, immune system, and digestive activity while hydrating yourself with a light, refreshing beverage. Try it for a week and you just might find yourself becoming a believer.

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