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5 Things You Should Never, EVER Share With Your Significant Other

5 Things You Should Never, EVER Share With Your Significant Other

If you live with your significant other, then you probably share just about everything you possibly can--but that doesn't mean you should. Read on to learn more about what you should never share with anyone!


Sharing a home with your significant other generally means that pretty much nothing is off-limits when it comes to sharing.

You share a bed and a shower, watch the same TV shows and eat the same meals—at the same time (usually)!

But that doesn’t mean you should be sharing everything. In fact, using everything that your partner also uses can end up being a major danger to your health.

Here’s a short list of items you should never, ever share with anybody—not even your significant other:

  1. Loofahs: Chances are, your husband uses your loofah when he’s showering; it’s just a given. But you might try putting your foot down on this nasty habit if you knew how gross it really was. Think about it: your loofah is designed to slough off your sweat, grime, and dead skin cells. If you use it after he does, you’re basically just wiping his bacteria onto your skin.
  2. Toothbrushes: Couples constantly use the excuse of kissing and sleeping together to justify using the same toothbrush every once in a while. But the next time you’re feeling too tired to run to the store to buy your own toothbrush, just imagine little pieces of food your husband ate for breakfast just floating around inside your mouth. Because that’s exactly what will happen if you use his toothbrush.
  3. Nail Clippers: It’s not like his clipped nails can hurt you, right? Well, actually, they can. If your partner has a wart or fungal infection that he doesn’t know about, using his dirty nail clippers is pretty much a surefire way to guarantee that your feet will be itching and burning in a few days, as well.
  4. Deodorant: Don’t have time to run to the store and buy a new stick of deodorant? Then try putting a thin layer of baking soda under your armpits. But whatever you do, never, ever reach for your man’s nasty bacteria-filled deodorant—no matter how great it smells!
  5. Towels: It’s easy to get the towels in your bathroom mixed up, especially when you buy a set of the same exact bath towels. Do yourself a favor and talk to your partner about making your own designated hooks or racks—anything to keep your wet towels separated! Germs and dangerous viruses thrive in hot, humid environments, so you’re basically wiping yourself with your significant other’s bacteria every time you accidentally use his towel.

Do you have any items to add to this list? If so, tell us in the comments!