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Here's Why Adults Are Stocking Up On Pedialyte—And Why They're Right!

Medical experts and celebrities swear by the powers of re-hydrating with a bottle of Pedialyte after a long night out. Read on to learn more!


As you get older, Saturday nights start becoming a lot less about going out and a lot more about staying up past 10 p.m. to binge-watch Netflix.

But your newfound life as a homebody is what makes those rare Saturday nights out more exciting, special, and memorable.

For those of us who can only ever be seen chugging a beer at midnight once in a blue moon, we think it’s safe to say that it gets harder to really remember your alcohol tolerance.

While there’s nothing wrong with making the most of your one night out, it’s important to keep in mind that you still have a life to get back to the next day.

After a big night out as an adult, there’s just one thing standing in the way of your productive Sunday: your grown-up hangover.

The sad truth is that once you hit about 25, hangovers become something indescribable. Really, they can easily take a full 24 hours to recover from.

That’s why so many different companies and websites are trying to capitalize on the elusive “hangover cure.”

While a real “cure” doesn’t actually exist, many medical experts swear they’ve come pretty close with one amazing drink: Pedialyte.

If images of babies just popped into your head when you read that, then you’re on the right track! This is the same electrolyte-replacement solution that your mom probably gave you as a baby to help you feel better after throwing up or having diarrhea.

Even stars, like Miley Cyrus and Pharrell, swear by Pedialyte as the ultimate hangover cure to help reduce some of the awful symptoms behind alcohol-related dehydration.

With ingredients like sodium, potassium, and sugar, this water-based solution might actually be just what you need to feel like you again after going past your limit the night before!

At only 100 calories per bottle, Pedialyte is optimal for people suffering through particularly awful hangovers, where they can’t even think about stomaching an actual meal.

Since the magical drink is primarily made for babies, toddlers, and small children, Pedialyte can help replenish your body’s lost liquids in a gentle way—so you can get back on track a lot sooner.

Even Pedialyte realizes what a goldmine it’s accidentally hit by appealing to the adult market. According to Nielsen market research, adult consumption of the popular drink has increased by 57 per cent since 2012.

Keeping its grown-up crowd in mind, Pedialyte will launch a new powder pack format this month in orange and strawberry-lemonade flavors, which should be a lot more convenient (and less embarrassing) for adults to carry around after a bad night out.

Have you ever tried this before? Let us know in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2015 Pedialyte/Abbott