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Follow These 5 Nighttime Rules To Wake Up Looking Slimmer

Follow These 5 Nighttime Rules To Wake Up Looking Slimmer

Nighttime is the easiest time of day to undo your diet, but just a few simple tricks can actually help you reach your weight-loss goals faster. Read on for the best things to do before bed to wake up slimmer!


Every woman knows how much easier it is to stick to a strict diet during the day than it is at night.

Most of us tend to follow a regular routine during the day—wake up, get ready, go to work, go to the gym, come home.

The “home” part is where it gets really tough to make healthy choices. Sure, you may have salmon and kale for dinner, but doesn’t a bowl of ice cream after sound too good to pass up?

There are plenty of different ways to ruin your diet before bed, but it’s also the perfect time to set yourself up for way better weight-loss results in the long-run.

Here are 5 easy things you can do at night to help you wake up feeling slimmer and less bloated:

  1. Nix the salt at dinner: Foods high in sodium retain more water, causing you to go to bed bloated, which doesn’t always work itself out overnight. If you don’t want to wake up feeling sluggish and puffy, make sure to eat a low-sodium meal for dinner, like fresh veggies and a lean protein.
  2. Exercise at night: A good sweat before bed can help you appear slimmer when you wake up in the morning. If you’re concerned about the adrenaline keeping you up at night, don’t worry. The National Sleep Foundation found that active people are 56 to 67 per cent more likely to get a good night’s sleep, no matter what time of the day they exercise.
  3. Pack your own lunch: It’s hard to get up early enough to pack a healthy lunch before work. To avoid buying a high-calorie lunch later or running out the door with a sugar-packed granola bar, you should always pack your lunch the night before.
  4. Fill up on water: Many people confuse thirst with hunger, so it’s always important to chug a refreshing glass of H2O before eating any meal. Water also naturally flushes toxins from your system that may be causing you to seem bloated and weighed down. ##MN_RESP##
  5. Sleep in a dark room: According to an animal study published last year in Journal of Pineal Research, the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin also helps your body produce more calorie-burning brown fat. Since your body produces more melatonin when you’re in complete darkness, it’s very important to sleep in a light-free environment if you want to lose weight faster.

Do you have any more nighttime weight loss tips to add? If so, tell us in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2015 @rachaelserena/Instagram