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Do You REALLY Need To Wash Brand New Clothes Before Wearing Them?

Do You REALLY Need To Wash Brand New Clothes Before Wearing Them?

You've probably already heard that you should wash your new clothes right after buying them, but is it really necessary? Keep reading to find out!


When you get a new outfit, it’s hard to even wait until you leave the store to put it on and flaunt your new look.

That’s why most of us try to brush off anybody who says you need to wash new clothes before wearing them even once.

Why would you wash a brand new outfit that probably looks cleaner now than it will after you wash it? And it’s not like you’re going to do a whole load of laundry just to wear a new top!

Well, if you’re looking for health experts to agree that washing your new clothes is pointless, then you’ll probably be searching for a long time.

According to Donald Belsito, a professor of dermatology at Columbia University Medical Center, the sad truth is: yes, you really should wash any garment you buy before wearing it.

When speaking with The Wall Street Journal about the dangerous health risks of wearing new clothes without washing them first, Belsito brought up the many dyes and formaldehyde resins that can easily irritate a person’s skin—even going as far as causing a full-blown allergic reaction.

Unfortunately, Belsito says a simple rash may be the least of your problems if you buy something particularly tainted.

"I have seen cases of lice that were possibly transmitted from trying on in the store, and there are certain infectious diseases that can be passed on through clothing," he explained. "The other infestation I've seen from clothing is scabies."

If you think you’re protected from these dangers simply because you shop at clean, high-end clothing stores, think again.

That perfect outfit you’ve been eyeing didn’t just magically get made before appearing to you—and you only—in your dressing room.

From store employees and fellow shoppers, to the manufacturers and the people handling the shipping, there’s really no telling how many hands (and other body parts) have touched your new outfit.

Belsito even makes sure to warn shoppers that "fungus can hang around for a while," if the thought of lice alone didn’t already scare you enough.

As a professional dermatologist, Belsito, along with many other health experts, agrees that it’s important to wash your new clothes to protect yourself from a slew of different health risks.

"In terms of hygiene, it's a very good thing to do," he told the Wall Street Journal. "Being a dermatologist, I've seen examples of some strange stuff, so I don't take any chances."

Do you always wash your new clothes before wearing them? Let us know in the comments!

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