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6 Secret Weapons To Fight Off Any Uncontrollable Craving

6 Secret Weapons To Fight Off Any Uncontrollable Craving

When out-of-control cravings hit, they're hard to resist no matter how hard you've been trying to stick to your diet. Keep reading for some life-changing tips to help banish unhealthy cravings for good!


Are uncontrollable cravings standing in the way of your bikini body this summer? It would be wonderful if we constantly dreamed of eating broccoli and kale, but cravings just don’t really work that way.

We all have certain cravings that kill our diets—whether it’s chocolate, cheese, or salty potato chips—everybody has an unhealthy weakness.

But out-of-control cravings don’t have to rule your life! You really can kick them to the curb with a few simple strategies.

Thanks to Dr. Oz, here are some simple ways you can kill your insatiable cravings for anything:

Sugar Craving

  1. Rule of Threes: We tend to crave sugar when our blood sugar levels are unstable. You can probably feel it when you go too long without eating. To make sure your blood sugar doesn’t spike and crash, Dr. Oz recommends eating a healthy mixture of low-glycemic carbs, fats, and lean protein every three hours.
  2. Seltzer Water: Soda addicts know how hard it is to compete with the sweet taste of bubbly soda. But you definitely don’t need all that artificial sugar wreaking havoc on your body! Instead, Dr. Oz suggests making your own flavored seltzer water with fresh fruit.

Carb Craving

  1. Red Chili Pepper: Most of us like to reach for something crunchy and comforting when we’re feeling sad, angry, bored, or stressed. But instead of gorging on bread and cookies, Dr. Oz says you should try adding some hot chili pepper flakes to your diet. The capsaicin in chili peppers will give you a feel-good boost that’s similar to the rush of dopamine you get from eating a sugary cookie.


  1. Caralluma Fimbriata: If you’re craving salt all day, then your body is releasing a hormone called gherlin. The hungrier you are, the more gherlin your body releases. According to Dr. Oz, Caralluma fimbriata is a supplement that stops the unhealthy production of gherlin to nip those nasty salt cravings in the bud.
  2. Spices: With all the spices in the world, it’s amazing how we still turn to salt every time we want to season a dish. You can make any meal healthier (and more flavorful) with alternative spices recommended by Dr. Oz, like rosemary, black pepper, basil, cilantro, sage, paprika, ginger, oregano, curry, and turmeric—plus, they’re packed with antioxidants!

Crunchy Snacks

  1. Crudite: Sometimes, your body just wants something crunchy, and it really doesn’t matter which snack you choose. So, instead of reaching for a bag of chips next time you’re craving something crunchy, Dr. Oz says you can satisfy your taste buds with a healthier crunchy snack, like apples, carrots, or celery.

Do you have any secrets for fighting cravings? If so, tell us in the comments!

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