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5 Facts & Myths About Cellulite Every Woman Needs To Know

5 Facts & Myths About Cellulite Every Woman Needs To Know

So many women in the world suffer from cellulite that it's hard to believe there's still so much misinformation about it floating around. Before you do anything drastic to your skin, check out these cellulite facts and myths!


Do you often feel too embarrassed to wear shorts because you have noticeable cellulite? Well, you’re not alone. Nearly 90% of all women develop cellulite at some point in their lives.

Even healthy, fit women can have cellulite—it may even appear more prominently than on ladies who don’t exercise at all.

As common as cellulite is, there’s still so much misinformation on its causes and treatments that you may be left feeling like the only way out is through surgery.

But before you run out and book an appointment for an expensive, painful procedure, check out these real facts and myths about cellulite:

Cellulite is caused by toxins in your body
There is no science to back up the widely believed claim that removing toxins and impurities from your body will somehow “flush out” the cellulite. This dimply condition occurs when underlying fat deposits begin to push through layers of collagen fibers, or connective tissue, under the skin. While connective tissue can be weakened by lack of exercise and muscle tone, hormones, and excess fat, “toxins” have no effect on it.

Cellulite gets worse with age & affects more women than men
FACT: As women age, they start producing less estrogen, a hormone that does seem to play a role in the appearance of cellulite. Since estrogen helps keep blood vessels flowing smoothly, less of this important hormone can lead to a decrease in new collagen production and the breakdown of older connective tissue. Men and women also carry their fat differently, with more women gaining weight in their hips and thighs. Unlike men, women don’t have a whole lot of connective tissue to keep that extra fat in place.

Cardio is the best way to reduce cellulite
MYTH: While running and other forms of cardio may help you lose weight overall, strength training is what helps keep your body tight and fit. Several studies have shown that women who lift weights pack on more muscle, which reduces the “jiggle” and appearance of cellulite.  ##MN_RESP##

Skin fillers can even out cellulite
Injectable dermal fillers like Restylane and Radiesse, generally used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and plump saggy skin, have also been shown to even out dimply skin. However, the results do not last forever—maybe even just a few months. These injections are also extremely expensive, costing hundreds—if not thousands—of dollars per leg.

Skin firming creams can get rid of cellulite
While there is no scientific evidence to support that these creams get rid of cellulite, they may reduce the appearance of the dimply areas for a short period of time (just enough to convince you to buy another tube). Gels and creams containing retinol may camouflage bumpy skin temporarily by thickening the skin cover, but the effects won’t last.

Do you have any information about cellulite to add? Let us know in the comments!

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