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5 Bedtime Rituals To Follow For The Clearest Skin

5 Bedtime Rituals To Follow For The Clearest Skin

You can't change the skin you were born with, but you can get the clear, radiant complexion you've always wanted. Keep reading for the 5 steps to get clearer skin!


Nothing can ruin your morning faster than waking up with a huge pimple that actually feels like it’s already taken over your entire face overnight.

Remember when you were 13 and dreamed of the day (post-puberty) when you would finally be breakout-free?

That day may have come for a select few, but the rest of us are still sitting here, waiting an entire decade later.

Whether you’re 25 with blotchy acne or 30 with an oily t-zone that you assumed would have evened out by now, always remember that you’re not alone—we all struggle with skin problems!

You can’t change the skin you were born with, but you can get the complexion you’ve always wanted by following these 5 bedtime rituals:

  1. Open Your Clogged Pores: Washing your face with warm water is crucial to opening your pores enough to clean out all the grime and sebum wreaking havoc on your skin. First, run a soft wash cloth under hot water and gently wipe your face. If you can, keep the hot water running for the steam to continue opening your pores.
  2. Cleanse: No matter what, you should always make sure your hands are thoroughly washed before even going near your face. If you have especially oily skin, it’s important to find a cleanser that will reduce the shine without causing your face to dry out. After opening your pores, wash them out with the right cleanser. You should use your hands to cleanse your face in upward circular motions for about 30 seconds before washing it off.
  3. Exfoliate: Cleansing your pores alone won’t do much to get rid of all the dead skin cells that are causing your annoying breakouts. That’s why you need to make sure you exfoliate after cleansing as often as possible. You don’t need to run out and buy an expensive exfoliating scrub that probably contains harsh chemicals. Instead, make your own sugar scrub at home by combining equal parts water and sugar. When rubbing the paste on your face, be sure to spend about one minute on each of your three major zones—left side, right side, and forehead.  ##MN_RESP##
  4. Tone: Getting an even, firm complexion is as easy as squeezing a few drops of lemon in your hands—20 to be exact! Use a cotton ball to apply the juice from about half a lemon onto your face. Leave the lemon on for 5 to 10 minutes (no longer), and rinse your face with warm water.
  5. Close Your Clean Pores: Now that your pores have been opened, unclogged, and exfoliated, it’s time to seal them back up. Since you used warm water to open them, it only makes sense that you splash some cold water to seal your freshly cleaned pores. To make sure you really close them, try running an ice cube around your entire face.

Do you have any clear skin tips to add? If so, Let us know in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2009 Alessandro Valli/Flickr