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4 Unhealthy Eating Habits That Are Secretly Sabotaging Your Diet

4 Unhealthy Eating Habits That Are Secretly Sabotaging Your Diet

Before you start your next diet, it's important to figure out which unhealthy eating habits are really holding you back from achieving your dream body. Keep reading to see which habits you must cut out to lose weight!


No matter what your reason is for adopting a healthier diet—whether you’re trying to lose weight, boost your energy levels, etc.—there are plenty of things you need to cut out that you probably never even considered before.

Healthy eating takes more than simply choosing oatmeal over Pop Tarts and cutting down on dessert. So many unhealthy eating habits are often overlooked—some are even thought to be healthy!

Before you start counting calories and cutting out carbs, it’s important to figure out which habits are truly causing you to gain weight, feel fatigued, etc.

Here are 4 unhealthy habits you absolutely must break to look and feel better than ever:

  1. Drinking Alcohol: Aside from the extra calories you’re consuming when you drink, alcohol also lowers your late-night eating inhibitions. So, on top of all those cocktails, you’ll probably feel more open to a midnight pizza run after a few cocktails. And, if you really go overboard, your post-drinking hangover could cause you to binge on greasy foods the next day to help you feel better. Bottom line—drinking too much isn’t good for your health. Try limiting your intake to about two drinks every week if possible.
  2. Bingeing on “Healthy” Foods: When it comes to healthy eating, most people think you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight. Sadly, that’s just not true. While a serving of oatmeal can help keep you full and boost your metabolism, eating three servings will really destroy your diet. It’s always important to make sure you’re actually eating the right sized portions to maintain a healthy weight. Even healthy foods gain lead to weight gain if you’re constantly overeating.
  3. Eating “Diet” Foods: Not only are diet foods less satisfying and filling than whole foods, but they’re usually packed with additives that only make them seem healthier. Think about the last time you ate a frozen “diet” dinner. Did you feel full for the rest of the night? Probably not. In fact, most of us make it a point to treat ourselves to unhealthy snacks after consuming fewer calories during an actual meal. You’ll likely end up eating even more if you stock up on snacks that claim to contain lower sodium or sugar than their higher calorie counterparts. Instead of loading up on diet foods, try eating only whole foods, which take 50% more calories to metabolize than processed foods, according to a 2010 study. ##MN_RESP##
  4. Emotional Eating: Food is supposed to satiate hunger and provide our bodies with sustainable energy. So, why do we always reach for a snack when we’re feeling sad, angry, depressed, stressed, or even happy? Using food as a reward or a way to feel consoled does nothing but lead to weight gain. Unhealthy snacking cannot take away stressful feelings or enhance happy ones in any real way. Emotional eating is a common pattern that most of us fall victim to, and it’s challenging to overcome. But, the moment you start addressing your emotions—rather than eating to avoid them—you’ll finally be able to take back control of your body.

Do you have any unhealthy eating habits to add to the list? If so, tell us in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2014 Hey Paul Studios/Flickr