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4 Common Foods That May Be Wreaking Havoc On Your Hair & Nails

4 Common Foods That May Be Wreaking Havoc On Your Hair & Nails

If your hair and nails have been looking a little dry and lackluster lately, the problem may be stemming from your diet. Read on to see which foods you should avoid for better hair and nails!


You already know that a poor diet packed with junk food and sweets will almost always be the culprit behind your weight gain.

If you’re having any concerning health problems—high cholesterol, fatigue, insomnia, etc.—your doctor is bound to ask immediately, how is your diet?

It’s practically common sense: unhealthy eating leads to an unhealthy body.

But, did you know that logic also applies to your hair and nails? Certain foods can quickly make your normally shiny hair seem dull and your nails feel brittle.

To make sure your hair and nails always look their best, try to avoid these common foods:

  1. Enriched Bleached White Flour: Not only does this particular type of flour offer no nutritional value, but the way it’s made literally strips it of the nutrients it once had. To make enriched bleached white flour, the vitamins and minerals have to be stripped from the wheat and then added back in later. The problem is that the vitamins and minerals added later are not natural. So, instead of absorbing this enriched flour like a grain, the body uses it as a starch. Since your hair and nails need natural nutrients to stay strong, this white flour can never do any good.
  2. Artificial Sweeteners/Colorings: Since both artificial sweeteners and colorings are made from chemicals, they can’t offer your body the natural nutrients it needs to look and feel healthy. Some artificial sweeteners have even been linked to migraines, allergies, deafness, and hair loss. It’s important to remember that your body simply cannot absorb nutrients properly when you’re feeding it anything made with chemicals.
  3. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): Many scientists feel that MSG is an extremely dangerous additive in food, even though the FDA claims it’s harmless. Linked to a number of serious health problems, such as severe headaches and hair loss, MSG is not an additive you want wreaking havoc on your healthy diet. ##MN_RESP##
  4. High Animal Protein: Eating too much animal protein can result in the buildup of uric acid within your body, which can cause serious problems with your hair and nails. When your body isn’t able to digest extra animal protein, the uric acid buildup could result in major hair loss.

Which of these foods surprised you the most? Tell us in the comments!

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