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Try This Simple 24-Hour Detox To Feel Slimmer By Tomorrow

Try This Simple 24-Hour Detox To Feel Slimmer By Tomorrow

If you're trying to start a healthy diet, a detox sounds like your best bet--but it's hard to find the willpower to stay on track for a whole week. Instead, try this 24-hour detox to feel slimmer by tomorrow!


Nothing will encourage you to start a new diet like waking up the morning after a major binge.

When you can still feel last night’s pizza sitting in your stomach at 8 a.m., you’d probably do just about anything do banish the bloat.

A detox may seem like your best bet to getting a flatter belly by next week, but who really has the willpower to stick to that for 7 days?

Whether you went overboard on the ice cream last night or you’re just looking to start a new diet the right way, this one-day detox will help you look and feel great by tomorrow morning!


  1. Wake up: Stimulate your digestive tract before eating breakfast by downing a glass of hot water with lemon the moment you get out of bed.
  2. Get moving: Before eating breakfast, you should start the day off with a little bit of exercise. You don’t have to squeeze in a 30-minute workout, but a walk around the block and a few stretches will do just fine to get your blood flowing.
  3. Breakfast: The first meal of the day should keep you feeling full and energized throughout the morning. Try making a smoothie packed with fiber and protein to start the day off right—without the weighed down feeling of a huge breakfast.
  4. 10 a.m. caffeine break: Detoxing usually means no coffee, but it’s hard to give up caffeine when you drink it every morning. Instead, try making a cup of green tea. Rich in healthy antioxidants, this powerful tea has also been shown to boost metabolism!


  1. Move around: No matter what, you’re going to start feeling tired and sluggish by the afternoon. That’s why it’s so important to get up, walk around, and stretch every 20 minutes, or so. If you can’t get up from your desk that often, do a few stretches a couple time every hour. If you’re sitting at a computer all day, make sure to abide by the 20-20-20 rule: look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
  2. Lunch: What you eat now will help keep you energized for the rest of the day, so it’s important not to binge on something that will weigh you down. Opt for a something light and filling, like a leafy green salad topped with lean protein, such as chicken, shrimp, or salmon.
  3. Snack: If you’re feeling hungry mid-afternoon, don’t try to hold out until dinner. The last thing you need to worry about at work is whether or not your co-workers can hear your stomach growling from across the office. Again, you don’t want to weigh yourself down with something heavy, so try a small snack to boost your energy—like an apple, a handful of carrots, or a pressed juice.


  1. Relax: You might be tempted to sit on the couch in front of the TV, but try doing something truly stress-relieving before going home. You could go on an evening walk, read a new book in the park, get a massage, or sit in a sauna for a few minutes. Your after-work relaxation should feel like a true treat to yourself!
  2. Dinner: First, back away from the TV. Having dinner in front of the TV is one of the leading causes of nighttime overeating! This is the perfect time to relax and unwind with a delicious healthy meal. Make sure the last meal of the day is packed with protein and fresh veggies.
  3. Unwind before bed: Poor sleep has been linked to a slew of different health problems, from anxiety to weight gain. To make sure you get 7 to 9 hours of good sleep every night, make it a point to go on a technology detox after taking a nice hot shower tonight.

What do you think of this 24-hour detox? Tell us in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2015 hyacinth50/Flickr