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15 Horrifying Things You Need To Know About Processed Meat

15 Horrifying Things You Need To Know About Processed Meat

We know that all the extra fillers, chemicals, and additives that go into processed meat (to keep it looking and tasting fresh, even though it's not) are not good for us--but you might not know just how bad it is for you.


We all know that processed meat is bad for you--especially compared to fresh, organic, free-range meat you might find at your local farmer's market. We know that all the extra fillers, chemicals, and additives that go into processed meat (to keep it looking and tasting fresh, even though it's not) are not good for us--but you might not know just how bad it is for you.

So what is processed meat, exactly? “Typically, it means anything more manipulated than cut or ground,” says dietician Lisa Cashman, RD. “This includes most lunchmeats found in deli counters, anything with a casing or in sausage form, and, of course, anything smoked or cured like bacon.”

There are a lot of things you probably don't know about processed meat--like the fact that, according to a study published in BMC Medicine, there is a link between processed meat consumption and premature death.

According to Women's Health Magazine, "Researchers found a link between processed meat consumption and increased chance of early death, especially from cardiovascular disease and cancer. They estimate around 3 percent of premature deaths could be prevented annually by limiting processed meat intake to less than 20 grams per day on average—that’s equivalent to a piece of sausage about the size of a matchbook cover, one slice of bacon, or a little less than a slice of lunchmeat."

Meatless Mondays are looking a little bit better now.

Want to learn more facts? Check out the video below:

Video Credit: BuzzFeedVideo/YouTube
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