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The Latest Health Craze Claims To Burn 800 Calories In UNDER 3 Minutes

The Latest Health Craze Claims To Burn 800 Calories In UNDER 3 Minutes

The latest health trend might just be the craziest one yet--and we have covered everything from bone broth to charcoal drinks. Click here to learn more!


The latest health trend might just be the craziest one yet--and we have covered everything from bone broth to charcoal drinks.

There's a whole new meaning to the phrase "chill out" now that cryotherapy is around. What is cryotherapy, you ask? Put simply, it's where you stand in a deep freeze chamber while temps plummet as low as -256 degrees Fahrenheit for about three minutes.

This latest health treatment is said to do everything: it claims to burn up to 800 calories, rev your metabolism, release endorphins, soothe sore muscles, improve sleep, calm inflammation, reduce cellulite, and even reverse the signs of aging.

According to Shape Magazine, the theory is simple: "The frigid cloud of nitrogen in the chamber tricks your body into thinking it’s in danger, forcing it into preservation mode. The brain signals to the rest of the body to rush blood to your core for protection, increasing body heat (and your metabolism). After it’s over, the enriched blood rushes back out and through your body, boosting immunity, cell renewal, and natural pain relievers."

Despite the fact that there is very little scientific research to back up all those claims, celebrities and athletes--everyone from Kobe Bryant to Jennifer Aniston--are jumping on the bandwagon and have given glowing recommendations for the treatment.

Treatments run anywhere from 64 dollars to 90 dollars for three minutes in the chamber. You’re given a facemask, earmuffs, socks, gloves, and slippers to wear (women are offered additional clothing if they would prefer, but that kind of defeats the purpose).

Many have gone and braved the frigid temperatures in the name of beauty, journalism, and/or health. Surprisingly, a vast majority say that it's not as bad as it sounds: it's so cold that your body simply becomes numb, which is manageable for a mere three minutes.

Just remember, though: this treatment has not been proven as effective as people claim! According to a study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, the treatment did not significantly reduce soreness, strength, swelling, or inflammation after a good workout. Also, there have not been any studies on the treatments weight loss potential.

What do you think about this new health trend? Would you try it? Let us know what you think in the comments!

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