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5 Fruits That Help Make Your Skin Healthier

5 Fruits That Help Make Your Skin Healthier

It’s not just about beauty products, lotions, moisturizers, and a face scrub that determine the health of your skin—if you eat unhealthy, you will inevitably have unhealthy skin. Click here to find out which fruits are amazing for your skin!


Just as foods can affect your heart, certain foods can affect your skin. It’s not just beauty products like lotions, moisturizers, and face scrubs that can determine the health of your skin—if you eat unhealthy, you will inevitably have unhealthy skin.

So what foods are great for your skin? It’s understood among nutritionists that foods high in sugar tend to age the skin prematurely by damaging the production of molecules in your skin. Does that mean you have to avoid all sugar?

Definitely not! Fruits can be an incredible for your skin (even as face masks!). Check out the 5 best foods for healthier, brighter, and clearer skin.


Pomegranates are incredibly high in vitamins and antioxidants: they have three times as many antioxidants as red win and green tea!

Studies suggest that pomegranates help support the immune system and promote healthy blood circulation--both of which are important for clear skin. They are also known to promote smooth, firm skin by promoting collagen and elastin production, as well as protect the outer and inner layers of the skin.


Lemons are incredible in the fight against wrinkles and blackheads. The vitamin C in lemons boosts collagen (just like pomegranates!) while the high level of citric acid helps treat acne and pimples!

To get the most out of your lemons create a face scrub by mixing together white sugar and lemon juice. The combination will help remove dead skin cells! Otherwise, add a few sliced of lemon to your water for a quick boost. It also helps speed up your metabolism!


This superfood is no only heart-healthy and great of managing your cravings, but it is also incredible for your skin (is there anything it can’t do?). Avocados have a ton of antioxidant carotenoids which provide substantial protection from environmental factors (like UV rays!) that cause find lines and wrinkles.

Not only that, but they have a healthy dose of vitamin C, making this fruit perfect for using as a face mask!


Berries are perfect because they are jam packed (see what I did there?) with antioxidants that protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Blueberries are especially great for reducing redness for those with sensitive skin!

If you’re looking for something to help in the production of collagen fibers (the fibers that keep your skin smooth and supple) look no further than strawberries!

The best way to get the most from your berries is to eat them whole. Slice up some strawberries, or throw some other berries in a bowl, and top with a few pieces of melted dark chocolate for some extra decadence while still being heart-healthy!


This fruit can actually protect the skin against sunburn and can also reduce inflammation, thanks to the all the vitamin C! It’s also rich in potassium and superoxide which combats stress by lowering your blood pressure and relaxing the nerves.

Also, because this melon has such a high water content (aka: it’s really juicy) it will help you feel fuller longer! It’s also high in fiber with will help you eat less.

What do you think of these fruits? Which of these do you enjoy most? What foods to you eat for your skin health? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!