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How Clutter Can Affect Your Health

How Clutter Can Affect Your Health

Did you know that the clutter in your home may be affecting your health? Read on to see how clutter may be affecting your life!


Clutter? A common problem? When only 25 percent of families studied for the book "Life at Home in the 21st Century" have room for their cars in their garages, you know clutter has gotten out of hand. Of course, by its nature clutter is out of hand. But due to the ongoing North American love affair with having more and more stuff, many households are floundering.

Not only is it messy, it can be stressful for some to live in an environment of crowded chaos, complete with raised cortisol levels. Equally stressful for many is the dilemma of what to throw out and what to keep. This does not just affect troubled hoarders. Plenty of people don't throw things out because they're just not sure how to decide what to keep and what to let go.

Peter Walsh is a professional organizer who wrote a book called "It's All Too Much". He is both ruthless and reassuring in his dealings with clients who are losing the war with their stuff.

Walsh recommended that you make some decisions that don't directly have to do with your stuff. Rather, decide what you would like a particular room to be for. This will make it more clear as to what you will and won't keep.

Set limits and create zones for particular spaces. Toys go in the playroom, books go in the book case which goes in the study or office or den. To prevent being crowded out of your own house by your stuff, get rid of something every time you bring in something new.

Junk mail, brought to most of our homes every day, can create unwanted piles if you don't also throw it out every day. When you go through your mail, don't give in to the temptation to put down the junk mail "just for a minute". You can "just a minute" yourself into a corner faster than you may think. Go through the mail, and before you do anything else, move over to the recycling bin and toss the clutter.

Clutter can cause problems in your marriage or other relationships with the people you live with. Perhaps you have differing ideas as to what is clutter and what is not. What is an acceptable level of messiness for one person may be intolerable hoarding or slobbiness to another. Do you consider some of his prized possessions to be junk? Does he think some of your favorite things should be jettisoned?

Who makes the decisions about what stays and what goes? One thing that is the equivalent of sounding the trumpet for war is to wade in and toss out someone else's "treasures". This crosses a line not only as to meddling with their possessions but it also indicates a lack of disrespect for how they feel and what they value.

Added to that, it's an invitation for unwelcome retribution, so be prepared when you go home to find some of your own stuff suddenly missing. This is a feud no one wins. Better to talk about all sets of feelings and desires, and see if a compromise can be reached. If necessary, bring in a counselor or a professional organizer.

Don't expect to get rid of all your clutter in a day, or even a weekend. Chances are, you have accumulated your piles over a period of time, and it may take some time to level them. Take the long view. Be kind to yourself and realistic about how much change and improvement you can stand at one time.


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How do you keep your house clean from clutter? Comment and let us know!