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7 Things You Can Do Before Work To Lose Weight

7 Things You Can Do Before Work To Lose Weight

Follow these simple tips to rev up your metabolism and jump start your morning, and you will lose weight in no time. Click here to find out more!


Losing weight can be hard, simply because you'll need more time to make meals, exercise, and stay active. For some, this is the reason a healthy lifestyle falls by the wayside.

There is a way, though! You can get all that done in the morning before you even step out for your morning commute, no problem!

Follow these simple steps below, and you'll lose weight and get fit in no time.

1. Sleep in a little.
We all like to catch those extra Z's and hit the snooze button, and here's a good reason why you should: it can help you lose weight! "Not feeling rested makes you more likely to eat throughout the day," says Brittany Kohn, R.D., a nutritionist in New York City. "Plus, studies suggest that persistent lack of sleep screws with certain hormones, negatively influencing metabolism."

2. Get some sunlight. 
UV light works to boost mood and energy levels, but it's also great for shedding some extra pounds. According to Women's Health Magazine, "a recent study found that people who got a dose of daily sunshine had lower BMIs than those who stayed in the dark. What's the reason? Researchers think morning rays help synch up your body clock so your metabolism gets cranked up."

3. Get an extra dose of protein.
It's no secret that a good breakfast will help stave off cravings later, but "complex carbs alone won't give you the kick that a protein-carb combo (with a little fat thrown in) can. That's what will make you feel full and promote steady blood-sugar levels," says Kohn.

4. Drink lots of water.
"Consuming solid food helps fill you up, but also hydrating with a tall glass of water in the morning will flush out resolve-killing bloat," says Kohn. "If you're craving juice, go with water with lemon or lime instead. This will give you fruit flavor without all that sugar and the added calories."

5. Workout in the morning.
Even if it's a small 15-minute yoga routine, working out in the morning will jump start your metabolism and help you feel energized all day. "Even 10 minutes of stretching, yoga, or just running in place can get your blood flowing, your body moving, and your metabolism cranked up—so it stays high all day," says Kohn.

6. Bring healthy snacks to work or school.
Snacking too much can be detrimental to a healthy diet, so try bringing your own pre-planned healthy snacks with you to avoid making impulse choices at the vending machine. "Making bad snack choices during the day is a notorious diet-ruiner," says Kohn, "so it's smart to arm yourself with a baggie of almonds or apple slices with peanut butter to help thwart the urge to make a fro-yo or frappacino run that packs on junk calories."

7. Walk part of the way to work.
Walking is incredible for your health, and it ensures that your body stays active. This is especially important if you have a desk job. Try parking farther away from the office so you're forced to walk a little to and from your car. Plus, a recent study found that people who didn't take a car to work were more likely to have a lower BMI.

What do you think of these tips? Do you do any of these? Let us know what you think in the comments!

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