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4 Sneaky Reasons You

4 Sneaky Reasons You're Gaining Weight

You might have noticed that, even though you're maintaining your diet and exercise, you're gaining weight. Is this holiday weight? Not exactly. Click here to learn more.


You might have noticed that, even though you're maintaining your diet and exercise, you're gaining weight. Is this holiday weight? Not exactly.

Not surprisingly, there are a lot of environmental reasons you could be gaining weight. Whether it's that the stress of holiday shopping, the big crowds, or the fatigue caused by cold and cloudy weather that has you skipping the gym and reaching for one extra piece of chocolate, there are a few even sneakier ways that pounds can start to add up--things that have nothing to do with the holidays.

1. Second hand smoke.
You might not smoke, but hanging out with your friend that just has to sit outside with her cigarette in the freezing cold might actually be affecting you more than you know. A new study published in The American Journal Of Physiology evidence on the fattening effects of secondhand smoke. In short, their study found that the lingering smoke in homes and cars triggers ceramide, "a small lipid that disrupts normal cell function." The solution? Avoid it at all costs, of course. If you are the one smoking, however, the solution is to quit. Benhamin Bikman professor of physiology at Brigham Young University added, "Perhaps our research can provide added motivation to learn about the additional harmful effects [of smoking] to loved ones."

2. Working the night shift.
Studies show that staying incredibly late at work, working a double shift, or even working the night shift can lead to weight gain. The University of Colorado-Boulder published a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that found night workers expend less energy, which means that, unless they reduce their food intake to balance out the effort, they will gain weight. However, the dangers of the night shift are mostly related to out internal clocks or out circadian clocks. "Shift work goes against our fundamental biology and therefore our ability to regulate fat burning processes."

3. Antibiotics.
It's cold and flu season, which means you are more likely to get sick and get a prescription for antibiotics. There have been numerous studies exploding on the long-term effects of antibiotics on the body--especially when children take them--and more studies seem to show that it can lead to weight gain and even obesity. That doesn't mean you should refuse to take them if your doctor prescribes them, but you can let him or her know your worries about taking them.

4. Lack of gut bacteria (or probiotics).
A healthy digestive tracks is packed with good gut bacteria that help digest and break down foods, absorb vitamins and nutrients, and regulate your mood. It's also where the majority of your immune system lies! If you don't have enough gut bacteria in your system, due to antibiotics, stress, or poor dietary habits, this will change your body weight regardless of diet and exercise levels, according to a study published in Science last year. To replenish levels, eat yogurt, probiotic drinks (like Good Belly juice!), or take a supplement. Just be sure that your yogurt or drinks actually say they are "probiotic."

What do you think of this list? Did you know this before? Are you surprised by anything? Let us know what you think in the comments!

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