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7 Things You Should Never Do In A Fitness Class

7 Things You Should Never Do In A Fitness Class

There are some dos and don'ts when you're taking a fitness class, and some of them might surprise you. Click here to find out more!


Exercise classes are an invaluable fitness tool--they promote a little friendly competition, help create a routine, it gets you to try something new, and an instructor will help motivate you to keep going when you would have already stopped on your own.

However, there are some dos and don'ts when you're taking a fitness class, and some of them might surprise you.

1. Wear the wrong gear. For example, make sure your yoga pants aren't too sheer before doing some downward-facing dog in your yoga class. You also need to be sure your girls are secure (make sure you're wearing the right sports bra here!) so when you are jumping up and down during a circuit, you can give it your all without worrying of spillage.

2. Use the mirror a little too much. “The mirrors are for correcting form, not checking your makeup or seeing how good your triceps look,” says Brian Weller, co-owner and instructor at Barry’s Bootcamp Boston. He's seen everything from popping zits and continually re-doing ponytails. Not only does it take time away from your workout, but it's distracting to everyone around you.

3. Put on makeup before class. While some tinted moisturizer and waterproof mascara is fine, globs of makeup is excessive and entirely unnecessary. It will just end up running down your face anyway, and what's more distracting than that? "While you may start off looking sexy, 15 minutes in you've morphed into Heath Ledger as the Joker," says Weller.

4. Create a bad stink. Yesterday's workout gear might initially smell fine, but the minute your body starts to heat up you'll just be adding to the odor from yesterday—not to mention, bacteria loves damp clothes. Yuck! "Another culprit: bad breath—especially in the tight quarters of an indoor cycling class, "says Cassie Piasecki, an instructor in Orange County, California. "So don’t forget to brush your teeth before class—chances are you’ll be breathing pretty heavy during your workout." Also, be sure to apply deodorant right before you start to work out—you'll be doing the class (and yourself) a huge favor!

5. Talk too much. Save your gossip for the few minutes before and after a workout. Although it happens all the time in movies, it's actually extremely rude and annoying to all of those around you who are trying to focus on their workout. “You are interrupting your own breathing patterns, your fellow classmates, and most importantly, the instructor,” says Weller.

6. Become the unofficial teacher's assistant. “Unless somebody’s form is so bad that injury is immediately forthcoming or she asks for help, you should mind your own beeswax,” says LA-based fitness instructor Jeanette DePatie and founder of training program Every Body Can Exercise. “Don’t assume you know why somebody is taking a class, and don’t assume that they want commentary or even assistance.”

7. Do your own thing. There will be times where you might not be able to manage a particular move, and your instructor will likely take notice and give you an alternative. That does not mean that you should then take that to mean you can do whatever you want.  “As in, when everyone else is doing bicep curls and you decide it’s a great time to work on your squat form,” Weller says. “Don’t be that person.” Trainers do not want to (and shouldn't have to) compete with your personal routine. Not to mention, it's distracting. If you find that you constantly want to do something else, try joining another class--that class might not be the one for you.

What do you think about these tips? Are you or anyone you know guilty of these offenses? What annoys you the most? Let us know in the comments!

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