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What Music Actually Does To Your Workout

What Music Actually Does To Your Workout

It's rare to see someone working out at the gym without their headphones glued to their ears--we all know music is key when working out. The one thing we don't know, however, is exactly why it makes our workouts better. Click here to find out more!


It's rare to see someone working out at the gym without their headphones glued to their ears--we all know music is key when working out. The one thing we don't know, however, is exactly why it makes our workouts better.

Studies involving moderate-intensity, steady-state cardio (like an elliptical) seemed to suggest that music can make your workout easier. That might not be entirely true, though.

A new study recently published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise suggests that a "great playlist can help get you through hardcore interval training – which is much harder than low-key endurance training and... delivers awesome results more efficiently than steady-state cardio."

They took 20 participants and had them complete two series of cycling sprint intervals--one with music and one without. The researchers then measured their cyclers' power output and ratings of exertion, and asked the cyclers their enjoyment level after the workouts.

Turns out the music didn't make the workouts any easier, but people tended to work out harder when they listened to music versus when they didn't.

Not particularly surprising, but the results didn't end there.

Researchers say that "rhythm may physiologically prep your body to take on intervals and help distract you from the inevitable discomfort of sweating like a beast."

The cylcers also said that they found their workouts more enjoyable. Interesting that they worked harder yet enjoyed it more--all because of the music!

What do you think of these results? What music do you listen to when you workout? Let us know in the comments!

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