If you’re trying to lose weight, you have probably been incorporating a number of changes into your lifestyle. Maybe you started exercising more or perhaps you began integrating more vegetables into your diet. Whatever changes you are making, you have been making a conscious effort to get into shape and lose weight. But did you ever stop to consider the role your metabolism plays in the equation?
There is a significant correlation between the rate of your metabolism and the success you see when it comes to losing the lbs. This is because your metabolic rate is the speed your body burns calories.
What is your Metabolism?
According to WebMD, your metabolism is a process that involves the breaking down of proteins, carbs, and fats to give your body the energy it needs. “The rate of your metabolism depends on the interaction between the number of calories you consume, the number of calories you burn while eating and exercising, and the calories you burn based on your individual genetic makeup” (WebMD). Overall, there are a number of factors that play into the rate of your metabolism, but there are ways you can give it a push.
How to Boost your Metabolism Rate:
Eat Breakfast! According to Forbes.com, it’s important to jump start your body in the morning. People who have a healthy breakfast end up burning more throughout the day than people who skip breakfast. You’re also less likely to eat too much later in the day if you have breakfast in the morning.
Lift Weights- Sportsmedicine.about.com shares how lifting weights can help skeletal muscle mass. They also report that about each pound of muscle burns about 5-10 calories per day while you are resting. Lifting weights, therefore, is a great option for people who spend their days in an office.
Stop depriving yourself of calories – When you cut calories from your diet you are actually hurting your success rate rather than helping it. Health.com claims that when you decrease you calorie intake more than you should you are actually slowing your metabolic rate. This is because you are sending the wrong message to your body and making it believe there is no more food. This message leads your body to store fat and prevent you from losing weight. Rather than cutting your caloric intake too much, try eating small food portions throughout the day.
Losing weight is not an easy task to undertake, but of you take all parts of the equation into account, you will be more likely to see the results you are looking for.
Have you tried any of these methods? Comment and let us know!