Tell us a little about yourself and your interests.
I’m a mom to a sweet three-month-old, I’m married to my best friend, and I teach some pretty funny third graders. Outside of those things, my biggest passions are running and playing around in the kitchen. I’m by no means a professional athlete or culinary genius, but I have a great time doing both of those things!
What is your favorite exercise and why?
My favorite exercise overall is running outdoors. There is nothing better than lacing up and hitting the road after a bad day! I also have a love/hate relationship with the treadmill. I love that it’s convenient, but hate staring at a wall for an hour!
What is your favorite aspect about running?
My favorite aspect of running would definitely be the feeling of accomplishment after pushing yourself harder than you thought you could. There is definitely something to be said for breaking through a plateau and finally reaching that runner’s high. It is one of the best feelings in the world! Seriously, it almost rivals my coffee buzz each morning. Almost. ;)
I’m not sure I would call these recipes per se, but I love oatmeal breakfast bakes and quinoa/rice bowls. I’d say that 75% of my meals are based on one of those things. You can find several recipes on my blog, but each bake or bowl I make is created the same basic way. Once you understand the process, you just throw in whatever you have on hand. I love both of them because they are so versatile. Healthy eating does not have to be complicated! The simpler the recipe, the more likely I am to make it. And if all else fails just head to Pinterest, close your eyes, and point to something!
What advice do you have for other mothers who want to be fit and in good shape? Do you have any advice for how you find a balance for everything?
My biggest piece of advice for new moms is to sleep. Honestly, that should be your priority (after taking care of the baby, of course). I find that the more rest I get, the better decisions I make regarding meals and workouts. If I’m exhausted, I’m way more tempted to grab something to eat just because it is convenient. I’m also far more likely to skip a workout. That being said, I know that sleep is hard to come by. As a mom, you just have to do your best to find time for yourself. I’m only three months in, and it already gets a little bit easier each day.
For more from Presley, visit her blog, and follow her on Twitter and Pinterest!