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Teri Zawrotny from "A Foodie Stays Fit"

Teri Zawrotny from "A Foodie Stays Fit"

Can you tell usmore about yourself and “A Foodie Stays Fit”? When and why did you start ...


Can you tell us more about yourself and “A Foodie Stays Fit”? When and why did you start your blog?

I'm an e-marketing specialist by day and a blogger by night. I started A Foodie Stays Fit when my personal friends and family blog became more and more focused on my running and my meals. I discovered a whole world of health bloggers that I felt a great connection with and really enjoyed the "blendships" I started making. I wanted to be a part of that community.

Additionally, can you tell us about your health and fitness journey? Have you always been into healthy eating and fitness?

I was always active growing up -- I was a cheerleader in high school, took aerobics classes in college, and have been running since I was in my teens. But my diet was terrible in high school -- Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers from Wendy's, Dr. Pepper, and Twix Bars were a daily occurrence. It wasn't until my IBS issues became unbearable during my freshman year of college that I started learning about a healthy diet. I'm still learning, but I've definitely come a long way and I feel so much better!

How do you stay fit? What are your favorite ways to work out and what is your weekly or monthly workout schedule look like?

I run (or do some type of cardio - elliptical or stairclimber) 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes, take a power vinyasa yoga class 2 times a week, and do weight circuit training 2 times a week. Sometimes the cardio and weights happen on the same day and sometimes it's just one or the other. I love the Nike Track Club app on my iphone for my circuit workouts. I always take at least one day off a week.

What about your nutrition—on your blog it says you are pescatarian. Why did you choose this and what are some of the other healthy foods you incorporate into your diet?

Like I mentioned, I've always struggled with IBS. I noticed as I kept a food diary that my stomach pain was significantly worse after eating beef and pork. I found as I cut out meat that I started feeling a lot better. And learning more about commercial meat production and processing made it an even easier decision. But fish doesn't upset my stomach and I try to buy wild or local fish as much as possible.

Kind of going off your blog’s name, what are some of your biggest health/nutrition/fitness challenges? In other words, as a food lover, what are some obstacles in maintaining balance in your life and how do you deal with them?

I LOVE red wine and I forget that it has calories! ;) So I have to be careful to not indulge in that too much. I try to stick to one glass and just drink it very slowly. I also have a hard time with moderation with processed foods - crackers, breads, cookies. If they are around, I will eat them and eat a LOT of them. So I just don't keep them in the house. I snack on fruit and nuts instead. I don't deprive myself when I eat out for dinner - I almost always order dessert at restaurants - and I find that helps me to eat better when I'm at home because I don't feel like I'm never going to be able to have sweets.

What is your favorite splurge?

Peach sorbet from a local gelato shop, Caffe Prada! It’s so creamy, you'd never know it doesn't have dairy! (I can't eat dairy without severe stomach pain and digestive issues.)

When did you become a runner and what do you enjoy about running and competing in races? What is your running schedule like?

I started running when I was 14 or 15. My mom is a runner and in great shape so I never saw the need for a gym membership at that age, even though all my friends were going to the gym after school. I like the way running clears my mind. I can't multi-task when I do it (and I try to multi-task everything!) so it's very relaxing. I like races because, although I'm not competitive with others, I'm very competitive with myself and it's fun when all the work pays off with faster times. I'm not running intensely these days - just sticking to half marathons 1-2 times a year - so I'm only running 2-3 times a week right now. Plus, I'm just coming off a running injury. I'll have to ramp up my mileage soon though since I have a 10K and a half marathon in November!

As a foodie, what are some of your all-time favorite dishes? What are your favorite pre and post workout snacks or meals?

I love bean tacos in crunchy taco shells. It's an easy meal but when I use good ingredients - Rancho Gordo beans, local tomatoes/lettuce, fresh avocado - it's so satisfying. I like fruit or oatmeal before a workout, depending on how intense it's going to be. After a workout, I usually am eating breakfast or dinner so I just make sure it's something well balanced with enough protein. When I'm running long-distances, I'll usually have a protein shake after runs longer than 6 miles.

What are your top five tips for readers to start getting healthier today?

(1) Don't put off getting healthy until "tomorrow." Start today, even if it's a small step like going for a walk or having a smaller portion at meals.

(2) Drink water. Not soda. Even if it's diet. Don't.

(3) Strength train! Even after running multiple half marathons and one full marathon, I didn't look toned. Weight training - with heavy weights! - has literally transformed my body.

(4) Pay attention to your diet. All the workouts in the world can't undo a bad diet. Educate yourself, if you're not sure what's healthy. The book "In Defense of Food" is a great place to start.

(5) Eat produce at every meal. A piece of fruit at breakfast, a small salad along with your regular lunch, etc. Fruits & veggies are important so start adding to your diet before you focus on completely eliminating unhealthy options. You won't feel as deprived if you focus on adding.

What does “healthy” mean to you?

Healthy is simply feeling good, day-in and day-out. For me, that means eating well 90% of the time, sweating often, getting an emotional/spiritual boost on the yoga mat regularly, snuggling my boxer dog, and enjoying a good glass of wine with lovely friends.

For more healthy information from Teri, visit her blog: http://afoodiestaysfit.com/, and like her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter @afoodiestaysfit to keep up with her journey.